Southern University of New Orleans 2020 Graduate, Jenna Morris, had been working on retail management for years, when she decided to walk away and pursue her passion. She began her journey in August 2017 and went straight through without interruption (summers and all). Learn more about Jenna below

What did your HBCU experience teach you the most about yourself, and life?
I knew when I was making the decision to attend college, that an HBCU was the only way to go. Attending an HBCU is an experience like no other. You are surrounded by people who share your ambitions, as well as your struggles. There is a common goal that we all must get through it, together. We must be there to support each other and help in any way we can. It’s imperative, now more than ever, that we continue to strive and keep going throughout any hardships because we, as African Americans, will have them no matter what.
Moving forward, what are your plans?
In the near future, I plan on attending graduate school to attain my Master’s degree and eventually, my PhD. I’m praying for some scholarships so that I can continue the momentum. Ultimately, I plan on opening a school that caters to children with different learning styles and capabilities. Not every child is able to get through a school day sitting up straight and being quiet. Instead of labeling them as bad or a troublemaker, we have to understand that some children have unique needs in the classroom. This doesn’t take away from their ability to learn. It just means that we must adjust our teaching styles to match their learning styles. In the future, my desire is to have a virtual platform to extend to parents and teachers who need support and assistance.
Give us a few tips for current students balancing their studies and social life
Some tips I have for students seeking school and social life balance is to prioritize your time. Make a list of the things that you need to accomplish. Set some time aside that’s completely dedicated to getting your work done, and stick to it your time line no matter what. Be specific about how you schedule your time. Work ahead when possible so you aren’t struggling to meet deadlines and due dates.
What are some final words you have for the Class of 2020?
To the class of 2020: Congratulations on accomplishing your goal. One thing that being a quarantine grad has taught us is that we have to keep going no matter what. There is no obstacle that can get in our way. So don’t stop now. Keep going. Keep preserving and be resilent. Remember that the degree/diploma was not the ultimate goal. It was a stepping stone to get us there. Whether that means continuing your education or applying for that the dream job, never quit! Continue to rise.
If you need help or words of encouragement, you can find me @dressed_j. God Bless!
Great Job Jenna, you are truly an inspiration to me. Thanks and I pray Blessings on Blessings over your life. Love You!!! SOAR QUEEN!!!