During a time when the world has been dealing with so much uncertainty, Marla Pruitte was busy launching her new cake mix business. It is even more exciting to see that she is one of our own HBCU graduates and a member of a Black Greek Letter Organization. Great things continue to come from our beloved institutions. Read the full information on her launch and see her Kickstarter link below.

Marla Pruitte, a former professional baker, and past owner of Sweet by Design Cupcakery in Tennessee understands consumers’ desire for convenience without sacrificing taste, and decided it was time to shake up the cake mix industry. Mary Alice, a 100% woman owned business, hinges on tradition and legacy; but most important, has a mission is to bridge the gap in disparities within the cake mix industry by creating opportunities for under-represented brands.
Pruitte, who has been preparing and planning for months, explained how she came up with the inspiration behind Mary Alice. “You know, I grew up in a family of exceptional cooks and bakers, and family time has always been important to us. We never had a family meal without desserts,” she said in a press release. “My great, great aunt Mary Alice Sain was the matriarch of our family and was well known for her baking. I even used some of her recipes in my bakery. She was a kind, gentle soul and opened her home and kitchen to so many. This is a tribute of love to her.”
The cake mix market is one that has few barriers to entry and is easy for newcomers to position themselves to challenge household brands. As well, the market is experiencing trending growth with an estimated valuation of $1,310.7 Mn by 2022, reaching 1.54 billion by 2026. “Now is the perfect time to open Mary Alice because this market is actually experiencing gains, and I have a good grasp on what consumers want. When asked what her goal is, Pruitte responds, “As a woman of color, I see the lack of diversity in the market, we all see it. There are not many cake mix brands that look like me, nor opportunities for consumers to experience a brand like mine, and I plan to change that.”
As for timing, people are now spending more time together, celebrating more special occasions at home, and even spending more time together in the kitchen. “If anything, the pandemic has created opportunities for more family time and shown us just how important it is to deliberately create memories together,” Pruitte said, “and you know what, baking helps us create memories together.”