Written by William Gregory
By definition, “Leadership” can be defined as one’s ability to influence and motivate others to bring the best out in them. HBCU campus leaders are the forefront of student leadership, who are supposed to execute this will and always hold the crown high. We recently had the chance to speak with a few of them on The Culture Effect podcast
Watch the full interview below.
Student leaders included:
1) Kevin Keys / Miles College / SGA Vice-President and the Chapter President of Phi Beta Sigma, Sigma chapter

2) Christen Lawrence/ Miles College /SGA President

3) Javondre Cole/ Winston-Salem State University/ SGA Vice President & a Fall ‘20 initiate into the Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

4) Sydney Carr/ University of Maryland Eastern Shore/ Miss 1886

5) DyMon Blaze/ Norfolk State University / Miss Norfolk State University

6) Keylin Perez/ Coppin state University / Miss Junior