It is a Thursday afternoon at your HBCU. You are trudging through midterms, and homecoming looms around the corner. Despite being busy with all of your classwork you also have two meetings to attend that evening. After you finish eating at the cafe, and going to the meetings of your respective organizations, you settle down in your dorm to complete all of your assignments for the night. As the 11:59 due date draws nearer you let out a sign of relief to have finished all of your assignments, or so you thought.
The next morning you go to your classes content, under the impression you fulfilled all of your work for the week. This is when your heart rate rises in horror, as you discover that you overlooked an assignment. You will now receive a zero in the gradebook for a simple mistake.
While this scenario was merely fictional, most college students share a similar version of this anecdote. Coming to class, and realizing you forgot to do an assignment, is an all too familiar feeling.

Students at the illustrious Huston-Tillotson University, however, have created a solution to this age-old problem. According to one of the founders Oluwapelumi Dada “RemindA+ is an app that connects to your Canvas and automatically reminds you of your assignments.” With this app the days of finding out you had an assignment, only after it was due, are over.
Once downloading Remind A+, students can register, and create an account. From there the app will give instructions as to how one might link their canvas account to the app. After linking an account you will then be able to receive reminders, which are in direct correlation of your assignments in class.

The Creators include: Oluwapelumi Dada a Junior Computer Science major, Joshua Umoru, also a junior, computer science major, Abdulwakil Abdulkadir a sophomore computer science major, and Seun Adediwura, a senior computer science major; all of which are Huston-Tillotson University Students.
Dada explains that the inspiration behind creating the app was due to her and her peers missing several assignments, stating, “We thought to ourselves, what if we make an app that reminds us of our assignments and so we went to work and figured out a way to make it work.”
For the future, Dada expresses that the team hopes to acquire many users of the app, and learn how beneficial the app may be for persons with the same problem. Dada explains a long term hope stating “ Ultimately, we hope that this app becomes a super useful app College students use from their first year to graduation.”.
With this intelligence from young HBCU students in the field of computer science, stress will be eliminated for several incoming, and current students.

Follow this link to download the app: